Located in Santa Rosa County, Florida, Jay is a growing community that is preparing itself for the 21st century. Whether you’re looking for an ideal home, an industrial location, or an environment that encourages community pride, this town has it all. The city has a strong sense of community, where neighbors help each other and family is always important. There’s something for everyone in Jay! Read on to learn more about this community and its history. More

The town of Jay has a population of 2,000 and is one of the most economically prosperous cities in the state. The per capita income was $13,949 in FY2018, and the city’s population was 12.9% lower than the state’s overall poverty level.

In addition, there were a large proportion of children – 23.9% were under 18 and 12.9% were over 65 – living below the poverty line. The area around the town has a few small businesses, such as restaurants and a funeral home. Residents also have access to the Escambia River, including two boat ramps.

Residents of Jay can enjoy an easy commute from any part of the state with only one zip code: 32565. It is a small, rural community that belongs to the state of Florida. It is located in Santa Rosa County, and is surrounded by several agricultural fields. However, its small population is changing. With a population of 4,904 residents, the town has seen a decline in population over the last decade, and the curfew has been lifted in Santa Rosa County. A great read

There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Jay, FL. We compiled a quick list here.

Point Of Interest #1 Bray – Hendricks Park, 5259 Booker Ln, Jay, FL 32565

Point Of Interest #2 Royal Mexican Grill, 13951 S Alabama St, Jay, FL 32565

Point Of Interest #3 Royal Nutrition, 3881 Scott’s Plaza, Jay, FL 32565

Point Of Interest #4 Kooter Browns of Jay Inc, 5061 Booker Ln, Jay, FL 32565

Point Of Interest #5 Terrace At Ivy Acres Assisted, 3964 Florida Ave, Jay, FL 32565