The Gonzalez FL city code is 323. Its population is 13,135 people, making it the eighth largest city in Escambia County. The median household income in Gonzalez is $86,842 a year, which works out to $3.21 per person.
There is 1 public school in the city, and the median home value is $172,200. The median age in Gonzalez is 43.2 years, and the average sex offender rate is 0.0, which is very low for a Florida city. Gonzalez has a total population of 14,598 people. Of those, 27% were under 18 years old, 27.7% were between 25-44 years old, and 8.9% were 65 and older. The median household size is two people, and the median family size is three. The median household income is $77492, while the median individual income is $39607. The median age is high for the city, but is lower than the state average. More details
Demographic data is available on the Census Bureau’s website. The most recent information is available from the 2000 census. The data is based on the state’s census. Aside from the Florida Department of Transportation, the city also has a municipal water system. There are two airports in the city, one in Gonzalez FL and one in San Antonio, TX. You may be able to find hotels near the airport in Gonzalez FL, but you should still make sure that your hotel offers shuttle service to get to the airport. Click for more
There are a lot of great places to visit and see in Gonzalez, FL. We compiled a quick list here.
Point Of Interest #1 Domino’s Pizza, 394 S Hwy 29, Cantonment, FL 32533
Point Of Interest #2 Ashton Brosnaham Park, 10370 Ashton Brosnaham Dr, Pensacola, FL 32534
Point Of Interest #3 Becks Lake Fish Camp, 2020 Becks Lake Rd, Cantonment, FL 32533
Point Of Interest #4 CVS/ Pharmacy, 2090 S Hwy 29, Cantonment, FL 32533
Point Of Interest #5 Pensacola Golf at Cypress Lakes Golf Club, 2365 Old Chemstrand Rd, Cantonment, FL 32533